Business Woman, Personal Brand, Small Business

Why Building a Personal Brand is More Important Than Ever Right Now

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Have you guys noticed that there are more and more personal brands popping lately?

There are hundreds if not thousands of product and service choices in any niche, genre, and industry. Consumers are diving deeper and are shopping for products and services from companies that share similar beliefs and values. People also want to know the story behind the brand and the business.

They want to know what inspired Blake Mycoskie, TOMS founder, to start designing and selling shoes. People love hearing stories of how large corporations like Harley-Davidson, Amazon, and Google started in a garage, or how Richard Branson launched Virgin while still in high school.

These stories give people hope, inspire action, and shift perspective. It allows them to dream bigger—a whole lot bigger.

Your audience wants to get to know you, understand what you stand for, and hear your story. They want to know why you started your business, what it represents for you, and how it’ll make an impact on the world around you.

There’s no better way to show your behind-the-scenes than through building a personal brand.


The more internally connected you are with yourself, the more profound your brand will be. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Be vulnerable in sharing your failures as well as your wins.

Show up imperfect. You are human. You will make mistakes—end of discussion.

This question is for all of you perfectionists out there, whose ideal of perfection are you aiming for anyway? No matter who you pretend to be, you will NEVER be perfect in everyone’s eyes.

Embrace your perceived faults because that is where your superpower is hidden—it’s also what distinguishes you from the crowd.

“You will never rise to your greatest potential by being all things to all people.”


I’ll use myself as an example here. I’m quiet, awkward, and pretty nerdy. I read A LOT of books, listen to podcasts, and experience as much as possible through travel or trying new things. I LOVE learning!

Throughout my entire life, people either question why I do the things that I do (even reading, which I find extremely strange), tell me I’m crazy, and make condescending remarks about my personality traits.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me and never has, just laying it all out here as an example.

My superpowers are curiosity, observation, connectedness, intellect, activator, and relator. I’m a good listener and people feel comfortable around me. ALL of these things help me to excel as a photographer, designer, and coach. 


Why did you start your business? Why do you do what you do? Write down your why and then ask why at least seven more times to get to the real why.

Your why could be to make a lot of money (how much is subjective). Why? So you can retire your spouse. Why? So he or she can stay home with the kids. Why? Because your parents were absent quite often while they both worked long hours. Why? You felt abandoned, alone, and unsupported.

Your why: you want to build a soul-aligned business that creates time freedom for you and your spouse and financial freedom for your entire family, so your children always feel supported and loved.


You MUST have message clarity. The shorter, the better.

Marie Forleo – Everything is Figuroutable
Nike – Just Do It
Mel Robbins – The Five-Second Rule
Mini Cooper – Let’s Motor

Your message is the platform on which your brand is built. These three to five words are easy to understand, remember, and repeat—the human brain loves clarity.

Your message gives your audience something tangible they can wrap their heads around, get behind, and stand by. When you have clear messaging, people will ultimately believe in what you and your business stand for—you are, in essence, creating a movement.

“A confused mind never buys.”

Your message could change someone’s life. The right message heard at the right time will create great transformation.

When you’re crystal clear on your message, you’ll attract just the right people who are excited to join your audience, become loyal followers, will want to work with you as a client, and become a team member.

Clear messaging builds know, like, and trust. When people feel like they can trust you, they’re more likely to hire you or buy from you.

Notice I didn’t talk about logos and branding colors? Building a personal brand starts from the inside.